Day: October 22, 2014

Fall Pet Safety

Pet Safety TipsFall has arrived! And with fall, along comes some changes, such as in weather, chemicals, fitness, and many other things. Today, we will be giving out tips about how to keep your pet safe, happy, and healthy during the colder months!

  • As we leave summer, we are also leaving behind heat waves, which may have prevented you and your pet from going outside and exercising (such as taking walks). To ease your pet back into routine walks, start small: take shorter walks and remind them of proper behavior. Also, if you are going for a walk in very cold temperatures, take extra measures to keep your pet warm, such as a sweater or booties.
  • As fall is approaching, rodents and other insects may try to make their way inside your home and many combat this problem with chemicals such as rodenticides and insecticides. These types of chemicals are EXTREMELY dangerous to your pets! Avoid using these products and seek alternative, natural methods, however, if you must use them, do so with caution.
  • Another dangerous object that your pet may come into contact with is a mushroom. According to the ASPCA, “99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic can cause life-threatening problems in pets.” It is difficult to distinguish the difference between a toxic and non-toxic mushroom, so be aware and keep a look-out for mushrooms growing in or near your yard. If you suspect that your pet has ingested a toxic mushroom, call your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) IMMEDIATELY!
    ******Please note, that if you call the ASPCA Poison Control Center, a $65 fee may be applied to  your credit card as a consultation fee.
  • If you have an outdoor pet, be sure to give him/her extra food during the colder months; they need this to generate energy to keep warm.
  • If you decide to change your car’s engine coolant, make sure you clean up any spills. Some coolants, such as ethylene glycol-based coolants) are highly toxic to animals. As an alternative, try switching to propylene glycol-based coolants; however, these are still not completely non-toxic, so still be weary of spills.
  • Halloween Candy. You should keep it out of reach of your pets because some candy may be toxic to animals.

We hope this helps you keep your pets safe, happy, and healthy during the fall and winter months! If you have any additional tips, please post in the comments below!

